Monday, November 14, 2011

September: Final Inspection, Moving Day

Inspection passed with flying colors - time to move in!

A few pieces of furniture turn the space into a home.

Erik is getting hungry. Love the new kitchen!

Meal's ready to eat!

Harry and Jason take a break on the deck.

Matt plays us a tune.

The final inspection went smoothly on the morning of Wednesday, September 14, just short of two years after we received the building permit. Woo hoo! We started moving things in that very same day. Most of the moving was done on Thursday.

It's amazing how a few sticks of furniture can transform a construction site into a home. We are so grateful to Matt, Jason and Erik for helping us move, and to Erik for all he has done/is doing to make our dreams come true. At day's end, we prepared a meal and had a wonderful evening. Certainly, a milestone to remember in our lives!

For a full album of move-in day photos, click here.

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