Saturday, November 12, 2011

August: A Whirl of Activity

The ceiling fan fits in perfectly with the timbers.

The stairtower landing revealed itself - uncovered after months of being protected by cardboard.

The woodstove and its tall stovepipe were added to the main space,
which is still serving as an interior work area.

Miho finished tiling the master bath and fabricating
the granite counter; Erik built the vanity and the mirrored
medicine cabinet; Simmonds Glass made the glass shower doors;
Morris Plumbing installed the plumbing fixtures.

Appliances were installed in the kitchen and all the plumbing was connected.

The heat was on in August to finish up many details in many directions and to prepare for final inspection in early September.

Installed were the woodstove and chimney, ceiling fan, remaining electrical fixtures and plumbing fixtures. The stairtower landing was revealed as its protective covering was removed. After Erik completed two bathroom vanities, the mirrored medicine cabinet and the loft bedroom closet, he started in on the office, where he created a desktop, countertops, cabinets, shelves and drawers.

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